Graffiti promoting a political party created by a Senegalese marabout.
(2020) Party Proliferation and Political Contestation in Africa: Senegal in Comparative Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan Contemporary African Political Economy Series. (Reviewed in Foreign Affairs, Democratization, African Affairs, Party Politics).
Academic Articles and Book Chapters
(2025, forthcoming). “Trends in Transnational Organized Crime in Africa and Innovations in Coordinated Responses,” Amani Africa Journal.
(2025, forthcoming). “Democracy, Civilian Governance, and the Security Sector in West Africa and the Sahel,” South Central Review.
(2023). “Rule of Law Approaches to Countering Transnational Organized Crime: Going Beyond Criminal Justice,”Trends in Organized Crime 26, 420-443.
with Anouar Boukhars. (2022). “Comparative Perspectives on Linkages between Violent Extremism and Organized Crime in Africa,” African Security 50:2, 26-50.
(2020) “The Many Faces of Rule of Law and Security in Africa,” South Central Review 37:2-3, 96-118.
(2020) “Legal and Political Responses to Terrorism: Comparing Democracies and Hybrid Regimes,” in Linda Bishai, ed. Law, Security, and the State of Perpetual Emergency. Palgrave Macmillan, 235-265.
(2018) “Party Proliferation and Trajectories of Opposition in Africa,” Comparative Politics 50:2, 209-229.
with Mamadou Bodian. (2018) “Senegal’s Leadership through Soft Power from Senghor to Sall,” in Jason Warner & Timothy Shaw, eds. African Foreign Policies in International Institutions, Palgrave Macmillan.
with El Hadji Samba Amadou Diallo. (2016) “Sufi Turuq and the Politics of Democratization in Senegal,” Journal of Religious and Political Practice 2(2), 1-19.
(2013) “The 2012 Legislative Elections in Senegal,” Electoral Studies 32(4), 905-908.
(2012) “Senegal: What Will Turnover Bring?” Journal of Democracy 23(3), 121-131.
Policy Publications: Reports
(2020) Rule of Law for Conflict, Security, and Stabilization Programming: Some Key Issues for Consideration. American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative White Paper.
with Nicholas Robinson. (2017) Rule of Law Approaches to Countering Violent Extremism, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative Issue Paper.
with Patrick Vinck, Phuong Pham & Timothy Meyer. (2017) Justice and Security Diagnostic: Bangui, Central African Republic. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative & ABA Rule of Law Initiative.
with Christian Ahlund, Marie-Claude Jean-Baptiste, Richard Malengule, Marianne de Rooij & Valerie Péclow. (2017) Challenges of Rehabilitating the Justice System in Central African Republic: Diagnostic and Recommendations, International Legal Assistance Consortium. [available in French].
(2015) Midterm Evaluation of the African Center for Justice Program in Burundi, DRC, Republic of Congo, and Rwanda. American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative.
Banner celebrating the one-year anniversary of Senegal’s June 23, 2011 protests to reject the changing constitutional term limits.
Policy Publications: Short Pieces
(2024). “Senegal: Ces dossiers sur la table du nouveau president,” The Conversation, March 28.
(2024). “Making Sense of Senegal’s Constitutional Crisis,” Spotlight, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, February 7.
(2023). “Illegal Logging in Africa is a Threat to Security,” The Conversation, April 19.
(2023). “The Impact of Rule of Law on National Security in African Countries,” Judicature International, Duke University Law School, February.
(2022). “Senegal Pulled Off Another Peaceful Poll. Why this Time the Results Herald a Big Political Shift,” The Conversation, August 17.
with C. Browne & Carl Pilgram. (2022). “Illegal Logging in Africa and Its Security Implications,” Spotlight, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, August 12.
(2022). “Questions of Justice and Rule of Law Surround Local Elections in Senegal,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, April 15.
with Nate D.F. Allen. (2022) “Deluge of Digital Repression Threatens African Security,” Spotlight, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, January 4.
(2021) “Justice and Rule of Law Key to African Security,” Spotlight, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, May 25.
(2019) “Why Are There So Many Parties in Senegal?” Democracy in Africa, 23 August.
with Robin O’Luanaigh. (2019) “Ten Tips for Developing Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) Theories and Programs,” Rule of Law Insights, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, 19 June.
with Claire Duguid & Timothy Meyer. (2018) “How Can the U.N. Restore the Rule of Law in Central African Republic?” The Washington Post Monkey Cage, 3 April.
with Jeanette Tocol. (2017) “Analyzing Democracy, Rule of Law, and Governance Programs Holistically — and Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation in the Process,” American Evaluation Association 365 blog, 30 March.
(2016) “Here’s Everything You Need to Know about Senegal’s Recent Referendum,” The Washington Post Monkey Cage, 3 April.
with Jason Warner. (2013) “Why the U.S. Military Should Care about African Opposition Parties,” Council on Foreign Relations Africa in Transition, March 27.
(2012) “Did the June 23 Movement Change Senegal?” Social Science Research Council African Futures blog, 12 July.
The Constitutional Court of South Africa.